Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Friends (Fun and Furry)

This week we said farewell to some dear friends who are starting fresh in Wyoming.  They will be missed dearly, we made promises (we will keep) to keep in touch, and we hope to make a trip to visit them once they get settled in their new lives.  Sometimes the idea of starting fresh in a new place sounds so appealing.  I love the friends we have made here, but something about a clean slate and no initial relationships besides your family sounds like the perfect recipe for reinventing yourself and bringing you closer.  Maybe one day....

In the mean time, I'll continue to appreciate the fantastic friends we do have here.  We had a little impromptu B-B-Q for our departing friends, and little Q enjoyed playing with some similar sized beings....

Z and Q having a laugh...

From Beluga Tales

The adorable baby Natalie we will be missing...

From Beluga Tales

Little Q is getting so close to walking on his own.  In the mean time he loves to bend at the knees (his version of dancing) while laughing hysterically.

From Beluga Tales

Q and Z enjoying a little playtime outside (it is finally cool enough in the evenings here for such activities).

From Beluga Tales

Quentin has recently discovered the doggie door and thinks it is so much fun, especially when the doggies go in and out of it.

From Beluga Tales

And why wouldn't he, when he's got friends like this he can just hang out with....

From Beluga Tales

1 comment:

Colton James Ferry said...

LOVE the picture of Q on the dog. You've got to submit that for a photo contest. Too cute!