Sunday, September 13, 2009

Our Cupcake Turns One!

I can't believe that one year ago today our lives were forever changed. The addition of our beautiful baby boy has seemingly improved nearly all aspects of our day to day existence. Sure we get less sleep than we used to, but 6 am doesn't seem as evil an hour as it had been pre-baby, and nights out with friends have just been replaced with early evenings at home with the three of us. We are a family now and there is a different kind of love that comes with that title.
It is amazing to watch this tiny human being grow and learn and explore the world around him. I love that the simplest of errands turns into something new as he points out the little things I would normally overlook; the balloons being blown up by the florist at the grocery store, the man across the street mowing his lawn as we go for a walk, the trees swaying in the breeze as we hang up the laundry. Life with children is enhanced in the most beautiful of ways.
To celebrate this wonderful milestone, we invited friends and family of all ages over. Here was the result!
Aunt Melissa and Uncle Dmitry flew in as a special surprise treat from California for their favorite nephew!
It is so wonderful to be surrounded by the friends and family you love on special days like this!  Here is Matt and baby Charlotte...
Sweet baby Aubrey...
Baby Natalie and her lovely mommy Holly....
Miss Kaia enjoying a bite to eat....
The birthday boy thought the 'Happy Birthday' song was loads of fun.....
...but he was a little heisitant when it came to the birthday cupcakes.....
...deciding it was best if mom tried it first...
...and then daddy.
Once he determined they were okay to eat....
...he was eager to go back for more!
After all the wonderful and generous gifts were opened, it was still the balloons he would not let go of.
Happy Birthday Cupcake!  You make our delicious lives that much sweeter!

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