Friday, May 16, 2008

Baby Moves

May 16th, 2008

Another belly shot around 20 weeks confirms that our little guy is indeed growing bigger and bigger! And after alot of wondering what was going on in there, I can finally say with certainty that I have felt him move! It's pretty amazing to feel this tiny being inside you moving around on his own. I hope his kicks get strong enough for Scott to feel him soon too!

Our ultrasound at 22 weeks was primarily to determine if there were any abnormalities with our little guy's heart development. This is a common concern in diabetic mommies. After a full body scan it was determined that his heart was healthy and he is measuring around 1lb!

So far everything has been going amazingly well. My A1c measured 5.7 (the lowest it has ever been for me!) and my weight gain has been right on target. Everything seems to indicate that this will be a relatively normal pregnancy. The doctors joked with me that I'm thier most boring 'high risk' patient, which is just the way I like it!

To add more life changing events on top of what we are already getting ready for, Scott and I are preparing for a move into another home in the Phoenix area. As I'm not much use for heavy lifting we've gotten alot of offers for help from friends which should make things go much more smoothly!

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