Wednesday, March 31, 2010


March 31, 2010

Our spring weather has been beautiful, as such we've been spending as much time outside as possible preparing for the hot summer ahead.  Q-bug and I found an urban farm on our way to the library and so we stopped to feed the goats, sheep and ponies a selection of celery and carrots (which they love)!  Q gets quite a kick out of this!

Q and the ponies...

Sometimes we run out of veggies and end up feeding the animals handfuls of grass from the other side of the fence!

Q has been loving all things daddy these days, which makes both of us happy (but especially mommy, as it gives her a bit of a break!).

Q loves trying on daddy's hats....

This month also gave us the opportunity to celebrate Passover which was great for me because I got to host it and go through the process of recipe searching and planning and meal preparation.  All things I love!  We had Scott's parents and his sister and brother-in-law over for the festivities, and I would have had more photos to share, but my camera battery died after this one "pre-meal" shot.