Monday, November 30, 2009

Birds, Belly's, Bad Dogs and Much To Be Grateful For...

I've been a little bad about posting recently, but with the holiday season and a family emergency; I've had good reason.

We had a wonderful family Thanksgiving, with weather warm enough to eat the turkey outdoors. We were all thoroughly enjoying the delicious food when Scott and I suddenly realized neither dog was outside with us. This is most unusual as they are always in whichever part of the house we are, never missing an opportunity to be outside, especially one involving potential falling morsels of food. We looked at each other and instantly knew...

...sure enough, I discovered Willie (the Weimeraner) hovering over a devoured turkey carcass, looking simultaneously guilty and satisfied. I'm sure the little dog had her fair share in the plundering, though she was no where to be found (clearly the smarter of the two). Fortunately no harm or illness has come to either dog, and we have learned an invaluable lesson: If you want turkey leftovers, install 6 foot high kitchen countertops!

Unfortunately we did have a bit of a scare this season, as the Sunday before Thanksgiving was filled with an emergency room visit, followed by an emergency appendectomy for a burst appendix. Scott had been complaining on an off for several weeks about a nagging pain in his lower right abdomen. My pleas for seeking medical help were met with claims of the pain being nothing, certain it would pass. It finally reached a point where it could no longer be ignored, thus the trip to the hospital...and not a moment too soon.

It turns out the appendix had burst over two weeks prior, and had luckily localized in the tissue surrounding the abdomen as opposed to getting into the bloodstream and causing him to become septic. Scott was in the hospital for three days, but came home in time for turkey dinner and is now almost fully recovered. It was scary for a bit there, but we are all doing well now.

I guess our little trip to the ER helped me remember the things I should be grateful for, the things sometimes I tend to take for granted. It is so easy get used to having your husband around all the time, to saying the quick "I love you" at the end of each phone call, to roll your eyes when he still doesn't know where all the dishes go when unloading the dishwasher, to get annoyed when he changes a dirty diaper yet forgets to put the stinky one in the diaper bin. But searching the hospital halls frantically for a nurse to lead you back to pre-op so you can kiss your husband before he goes into emergency surgery helps bring it all back into perspective. He's not perfect, I'm not perfect, but we need each other; I love him and want him around no matter what.

Each day together (even the tough ones) should be celebrated. I want to make a better effort to look past the stinky diaper, to laugh and let go of the fact he still doesn't know where the measuring cups go, relish my partner in life making time to tickle our toddler until he squeals with delight; and to say I love you and pause and remember exactly what those words carry with them.

I am grateful for my family and for my life. Hope you had a happy Thanksgiving!