Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Big Reveal

April 27th , 2008

After many attempts with various softwares we finally decided to use MeBeam so that we could broadcast multiple video streams at the same time for the big Baby Gender Reveal. The audio never quite worked with the video so we improvised and did a conference call over the phone line. We got it all set up with Scott and I and his parents in Phoenix, his sister in Denver, my sister in Scacramento and my sister and parents in Oregon. It was quite the production.

Once we were all ready to go we opened the previously marked box to reveal......

...that we are expecting a blue elephant! Obviously we would have been excited had it gone either way, but both of us had a feeling from the start that baby Uber was to be a boy!

Dad proudly displayed his son's goods for all the world to see.

And both parents couldn't be happier!

Oh Boy! A Boy! What have we gotten ourselves into!?!?! Our family loved that they were a part of this special day and we really enjoyed sharing it with them.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Big Secret

April 22nd, 2008

Our 16 week appoinment showed something that looked like a real baby in there! They did a full anatomy scan to make sure everything is developing correctly. It was really exciting to see the baby's heart, kidneys, spine and cerebral cortex. The technology they use is absolutely fascinating and continues to amaze me.

Though the thing I find most incredible is the fact that I have this tiny little person inside of me with so much of his/her personality already decided. I feel honored to be the one responsible for taking care of our baby during these 9 months and with each day I become more and more excited about being a mommy.

At our appointment the ultrasound technician played along nicely with my little game I've decided to set up. If she could determine the gender of our baby from the images, I asked her to mark one of two boxes I brought with us with a sticker. Each box contained a stuffed elephant; a blue elephant in one box, and a pink elephant in the other box. After the appoinment she returned the boxes to us, and one was clearly marked. Now we wait until next Sunday to find out what little Uber is with our family members either by our side, or watching via the internet! Scott can barely take it, but he's promised me he'll hold out.